Archive for October, 2008

Clinical Record Skull Year 2

Friday, October 24th, 2008
Location Examination Observed Aided Unaided
20/10/2008 Victoria AP 2 1 0
to . Lateral 2 1 0
24/10/2008 . . . . .
10/11/2008 QMH Skull 2 1 0
to . OPG 1 0 5
14/11/2008 . . . . .
17/11/08/ QMH OPG 0 3 2
to . . . . .
21/11/2008 . . . . .
09/02/2009 Western Skull 0 1 0
to General
30/03/2009 Queen Facial bones 1 1 1
to Margaret
03/04/2009 Hospital
06/04/2009 QMH OPG 0 0 3
to 0
10/04/2009 0
27/04/2009 Victoria OPG 0 0 1




Theses are does for dental examination, for position of teeth, or if querying reduced bone density or cysts. They are also used to look at the temporomanibular joints.


There are a number of positions for skull views, and I only saw a few done.



Clinical Record Pelvis & Hip Year 2

Friday, October 24th, 2008
Location Examination Observed Aided Unaided
20/10/2008 Victoria Pelvis 8 0 0
to . Hip 4 0 0
24/10/2008 . . . 0 0
27/10/2008 Victoria Pelvis 2 4 7
to . Hip 9 2 0
31/10/2008 . . . . .
03/11/2008 QMH Pelvis 0 0 3
to . Hip 5 2 0
07/11/2008 . . . . .
10/11/2008 QMU Pelvis 1 1 1
to Hip 3 2 0
14/11/2008 . . . .
17/11/2008 QMH Pelvis 2 8 4
to Hip 8 8 0
21/11/2008 . . . . .
02/02/2009 Western Pelvis 0 1 10
to General . . . .
06/02/2009 Hospital . . . .
09/02/2009 Western Pelvis 0 0 1
to General . . . .
13/02/2009 . . . . .
16/02/2009 Royal Pelvis 0 0 4
to Victoria Hip 0 1 0
20/02/2009 Hospital SI Joints 0 1 0
23/02/2009 Western Pelvis 0 0 1
to General Hip 0 1 0
27/02/2009 Hospital . . . .
30/03/2009 QMH Pelvis 0 0 6
to . Hip 0 1 1
03/04/2009 . . . . .
06/04/2009 QMH Pelvis 0 0 8
to . Hip 0 1 8
10/04/2009 . SI Joints 0 0 1
20/04/2009 Victoria Pelvis 0 2 1
to . Hip 0 0 1
24/04/2009 . . . . .
27/04/2009 Victoria Pelvis 0 4 5
to . . . . .
01/05/2009 . . . . .



Clinical Record Lower Limb Year 2

Friday, October 24th, 2008
Location Examination Observed Aided Unaided
20/10/08/ Victoria Foot 5 4 0
to . Ankle 6 3 0
24/10/2008 . . . . .
27/10/2008 Victoria Foot 0 1 2
to . Ankle 0 1 3
31/10/2008 . Tibia/Fibia 2 1 2
03/11/2008 QMH Knee 2 2 5
to . Knee 0 1 0
07/11/2008 . Tibia/fibia 0 1 7
. . Ankle 1 1 1
. . Foot 2 0 7
10/11/2008 QMU Femur 1 1 2
to . Knee 0 1 0
14/11/2008 . Ankle 0 1 1
. . Foot 0 1 1
17/11/2008 QMH Knee 1 1 2
to Ankle 0 1 4
21/11/2008 Foot 0 0 1
Toe 0 0 5
02/02/2009 Western Femur 0 1 0
to General Knee 0 0 7
06/02/2009 Hospital Tibia/fibula 0 0 1
foot 0 0 7
Ankle 0 0 2
Calcanum 0 1 0
09/02/2009 Western Knee 0 0 2
to General Tib/fib 0 0 1
13/02/2009 foot 0 1 6
Ankle 0 0 3
16/02/2009 Royal Femur 0 1 1
to Victoria Knee 0 0 5
20/02/2009 Hospital Tib/Fib 0 0 1
Foot 0 0 1
Ankle 0 1 0
23/02/2009 Western Ankle 0 0 4
to General Calcanium 0 0 1
27/02/2009 Hospital
30/03/2009 QMH Femur 1 0 2
to . Knee 0 0 6
03/04/2009 . Foot 0 0 7
. . Ankle 0 0 1
06/04/2009 QMH Knee 0 0 9
to . Foot 0 0 2
10/04/2009 . Ankle 0 0 1
20/04/2009 Victoria Foot 0 0 4
to . Ankle 0 0 2
24/04/2009 . knee 0 0 2
. . Calcanum 0 0 1
27/04/2009 Victoria Knee 0 0 8
to . Foot 0 0 6
01/05/2009 . Ankle 0 0 3
. . Calcanum 0 0 1
. . Toe 0 0 4


On placement today, I assisted with a patient with severe ostepmyelitis. The patient had previously had his left leg amputated. The patient’s consultant had requested AP and Lateral from knee to foot.

24 October 2008


I found this a difficult situation, the patient was in extreme pain, with his leg in dressing. The patient was a lovely man, fully aware of the situation and under the circustances, very pleasant and co oprative. Manoeuvring this patient for the exposures we needed was extremely difficult, but it was beneficial for making you think outside the box, to enable you to get the best diagnostic images, without any unnecessary pain for the patient.



Clinical Record Spine Year 2

Friday, October 24th, 2008
Location Examination Observed Aided Unaided
20/10/2008 Victoria Cervical 0 2 0
to . Thoracic 0 2 2
24/10/2008 . Lumbar 0 2 2
27/10/2008 Victoria Cervical 8 5 0
to . Thoracic 0 2 1
31/10/2008 . Lumbar 0 2 2
03/11/2008 QMH Cervical 3 1 0
to . Thoracic 1 0 0
07/11/2008 . Lumbar 1 1 1
10/11/2008 QMH Cervical 2 0 2
to Thoracic 1 0 1
14/11/2008 Lumbar 1 0 2
17/11/2008 QMH Cervical 5 2 2
to Lumar 2 1 1
02/02/2009 Western Cervical 1 3 1
to General Thoracic 1 0 2
06/02/2009 Hospital Lumbar 1 0 7
09/02/2009 Western Cervical 0 2 0
to General Thoracic 0 0 2
13/02/2009 Lumbar 0 0 3
16/02/2009 Royal Cervical 0 0 1
to Victoria Thoracic 0 0 4
20/02/2009 Hospital Lumbar 0 0 6
30/03/2009 Queen Cervical 1 0 4
to Margaret Thoracic 0 1 1
03/04/2009 Hospital Lumbar 0 0 2
06/04/2009 QMH Cervical 0 0 3
to Thoracic 0 0 1
10/04/2009 Lumbar 0 0 6
20/04/2009 Victoria Cervical 0 0 1
to Thoracic 0 0 2
27/04/2009 Victoria Cervical 0 0 1
to Lumbar 0 0 4
01/05/2009 SI joints 0 1 0


Spinal pathologies and normal variants. Cervical rib, fractures, osteoporosis, slipped vertabre, spondylolithesis, ankylosing spondylitis













Clinical Record Shoulder Gridle Year 2

Friday, October 24th, 2008
Location Examination Observed Aided Unaided
20/10/2008 Victoria Shoulder 4 1 0
to . . . . .
24/10/2008 . . . . .
27/10/2008 Victoria Shoulder 1 3 2
to . . . .
31/10/2008 . . . .
03/11/2008 QMH Shoulder 1 3 1
to . . .
07/11/2008 . . .
10/11/2008 QMU Shoulder 2 2 2
to . . .
14/11/2008 . . .
17/11/2008 QMU Shoulder 2 2 2
to Clavicle 5 2 1
21/11/2008 . . .
02/02/2009 Western Shoulder 1 2 1
to General
06/02/2009 Hospital
30/03/2009 Queen Shoulder 0 1 1
to Margaret
03/04/2009 Hospital
06/04/2009 QMH Shoulder 0 1 7
to Clavicle 0 1 2
27/04/2009 Victoria Shoulder 0 1 0


This is a detailed image of a shoulder, which can be very difficult to understand.












The Endocrine system 08

Saturday, October 18th, 2008

The Endocrine system

Pacemaker Booklet 08

Saturday, October 18th, 2008

pacemaker booklet
