Archive for October, 2008

Clinical Record Biliary System Year 2

Friday, October 24th, 2008

Biliary System Procedures

Please log below each procedure you perform with the relevant details. Please enter Y or N for each entry in the Observed, Aided or Unaided Columns. A MINIMUM of 2 OBSERVED and 2 AIDED procedures are required.


Date Location Examination Observed Aided Unaided


Clinical Record Thorax & Contents Year 2

Friday, October 24th, 2008

Thorax and Contents Procedures

Please log below each procedure you perform with the relevant details. Please enter Y or N for each entry in the Observed, Aided or Unaided Columns. A MINIMUM of 15 AIDED and 15 UNAIDED procedures are required.

Date Location Examination Observed Aided Unaided
20/10/2008 Victoria Chest 3 2 2
27/10/2008 Victoria Chest 0 5 8
03/11/2008 Queen Chest 0 0 18
to Margaret 0 0 1
07/11/2008 “”
10/11/2008 QMH Chest 2 19
to 1
17/11/2008 QMH Chest 3 18
to 2
02/02/2009 Western Chest 8 24
to General 0
09/02/2009 Western Chest 1 37
to General 0
16/02/2009 Royal Chest 3 10
to Victoria 0
23/02/2009 Western Chest 5 15
to General Portable XCR 0
27/02/2009 0
30/03/2009 QMH Chest 0 10
to Portable XCR 0 0 0
06/04/2009 victoria Chest 0 17
to 0
20/04/2009 Victoria Chest 0 4
to 0
27/04/2009 Chest 0 6


This is one of the things to look for on a chest x-ray. You should look for any loss of the right or left hemi-diaphragm silhouette, there will be no lung markings, and you maybe able to compare the right and left sides to see if there is any differences.








This x-ray shows a woman with implants, and what it may look like on a xray.


Theatre Year 2

Friday, October 24th, 2008


This week on placement I have had a few challenging situations, which I feel I have benefited from. I had a patient who suffers from tremors, so obtaining a good lumbar spine view was more difficult but ultimately successful. However the account I would like to reflect on is my experience with a nine year old patient who had Cerebral palsy. The patient
arrived from the orthopaedics clinic with his lower leg in plaster, for a review on a fractured tibia and fibula, querying positioning and alignment of the fracture.

After speaking with his parents and explaining I was a second year student, I asked if they would be happy for me to perform the examination. After being given consent from the little boy’s mother I then explained to her what I needed to do. The situation was difficult due to the patient being frightened, and strong. His parents had adapted his push chair due to his lower leg being in plaster, and had used a sledge jammed in the chair so their son could sit comfortably. I decided to perform the projections with him sitting in his chair as he was very anxious due to his surroundings and all the new people around him. Once all the appropriate checks were done, i.e. name, address and date of birth, I managed to reassure him as much as possible by spending a bit of time speaking to him and letting him hold my hand, as well as, allowing him touch the cassette to reassure him it wasn’t going to hurt him. This benefited the situation as it calmed his anxiety and he didn’t seem to be as frightened. His mother had to stay with him during the procedures as he kept trying to push the cassettes away, but I was able to get two very good images, with all the detail needed. Although this was not a trauma I had to obtain the lateral projection using a horizontal beam. This situation was a great experience as I had to keep calm in a difficult situation and think outside the box due to the patient’s circumstances.


This was a great learning curve for me. Learning not to always judge thing without having any experince. I now know its better to try something and then learn from the experience.

Week 1 Year 2

Friday, October 24th, 2008



On placement today, I assisted with a patient with severe ostepmyelitis. The patient had previously had his left leg amputated. The patient’s consultant had requested AP and Lateral from knee to foot.


I found this a difficult situation, the patient was in extreme pain, with his leg in dressing. The patient was a lovely man, fully aware of the situation and under the circustances, very pleasant and co oprative. Manoeuvring this patient for the exposures we needed was extremely difficult, but it was beneficial for making you think outside the box, to enable you to get the best diagnostic images, without any unnecessary pain for the patient.









Survival trends in osteosarcoma of the humerus.

Friday, October 24th, 2008

Survival trends in osteosarcoma of the humerus

Clinical Record Upper Limb Year 2

Friday, October 24th, 2008
Location Examination Observed Aided Unaided
20/10/2008 Victoria Hand 2 2 1
to Wrist 3 3 1
24/10/2008 Elbow 1 1 1
27/10/2008 Victoria Finger 0 0 2
to Hand 0 1 4
31/10/2008 Wrist 0 0 3
Forearm 0 0 3
Scaphoid 0 0 2
Elbow 0 0 2
03/11/2008 QMH Hand 0 0 2
to Wrist 0 0 1
07/11/2008 Elbow 0 1 0
Finger 0 0 1
Scaphoid 0 0 1
10/11/2008 QMU Hand 0 0 1
to Wrist 0 0 5
14/11/2008 Forearm 0 0 1
Elbow 0 0 4
Humerus 1 1 1
Finger 0 0 2
Clavicle 0 0 4
17/11/2008 QMH Finger 0 1 1
to Wrist 0 0 1
21/11/2008 Forearm 1 1 0
Elbow 0 0 2
Humerus 1 0 1
02/02/2009 Western General Finger 0 0 1
to Scaphoid 1 0 5
06/02/2009 Hand 0 2 1
Wrist 1 1 2
09/02/2009 Western Hand 1 0 0
to General Wrist 0 0 1
13/02.09 Elbow 0 1 0
finger 0 0 10
16/02/2009 Royal Hand 0 1 4
to Victoria Wrist 0 0 5
20/02/2009 Hospital Elbow 0 2 5
Humerus 0 0 1
23/02/2009 Western Finger 0 0 1
General Hand 0 0 1
27/02/2009 Hospital Scaphoid 0 0 1
Elbow 0 0 1
30/03/2009 Queen Hand 0 0 3
to Margaret Finger 0 0 2
03/04/2009 Hospital Wrist 0 0 1
Forearm 0 1 1
Elbow 0 0 2
Humerus 0 0 2
06/04/2010 QMU Hand 0 0 4
to Scaphoid 0 0 3
10/04/2009 Finger 0 0 1
Wrist 0 0 1
Elbow 0 1 1
20/04/2009 Victoria Hand 0 0 2
to Scaphoid 0 1 3
24/04/2009 Wrist 0 0 2
Finger 0 0 2
27/04/2009 Victoria Finger 0 0 1
to Hand 0 0 2
01/05/2009 Wrist 0 1 2
Elbow 0 0 2



Clinical Record Abdomen Year 2

Friday, October 24th, 2008
Location Examination Observed Aided Unaided
20/10/2008 Victoria KUB 6 0 0
to . . . . .
24/10/2008 . . . . .
03/11/2008 QMH KUB 0 0 2
to . . . . .
07/11/2008 . . . . .
17/11/2008 QMH Abdomen 2 2 4
to . . . . .
21/11/2008 . . . . .
09/02/2009 Western Abdomen 0 1 3
to General . . . .
13/02/2009 . . . .
16/02/2009 Royal Abdomen 0 0 1
to Victoria . . . .
20/02/2009 Hospital . . . .
23.02.09 Western Abdomen 0 0 1
to General Portable Abdo . 1 0
27/02/2009 Hospital . . . .
30/03/2009 QMH Abdomen 0 1 2
to . cross kidney 0 1 1
03/04/2009 . . . . .
06/04/2009 QMH Abdomen 0 0 2
to . Cross kidneys 0 0 2
10/04/2009 . . . . .
27/04/2009 Victoria Abdomen 0 0 1
to . . . . .
01/05/2009 . . . . .















Image of a NG tube positioning, with an image of a x-ray.















Clinical Record Other Year 2

Friday, October 24th, 2008
Location Examination Observed Aided Unaided
20/10/2008 Victoria Pacemaker 3 1 1
to . screening . . .
24/10/2008 . . . . .
27/10/2009 Victoria Hystero 5 0 0
to . . . . .
31/10/2009 . . . . .
20/04/2009 Victoria Theatre 0 1 0
to . ankle . . .
24/04/2009 . fusion . . .


pacemaker booklet

Clinical Records IVU Year 2

Friday, October 24th, 2008
Location Examination Observed Aided Unaided
20/10/2008 Victoria Hystero 7 7 0
to . . . . .
24/10/2008 . . . . .













Clinical Record Lower GI Contrast Year 2

Friday, October 24th, 2008


Location Examination Observed Aided Unaided
20/10/2008 Victoria Barium 1 0 0
to . enema . . .
24/10/2008 . . . . .
27/04/2009 Victoria Barium 0 2 0
to . enema . . .
01/04/2009 . . . . .




