Archive for June, 2008

Bank Assistant 08

Monday, June 9th, 2008

Working as a Bank Assistant

I have been working as an assistant at the ultrasound clinic with Dr Reid. Observing and assisting with patients who are attending for various clinical investigations.
Listing from, Thyroid investigation, Kidney, uthera and bladder, Liver.
He explains and points out the bile ducts, portal vein and arteries, explains the direction of the beam through the skin, and what is actually being seen. Subcutaneous fat and the colour differences within the tissues. He explained that some peoples liver shows up bright on the ultrasound due to high levels of fatty tissue, where as normally it should show up really dark. The degree of darkness varies as the outline of the kidneys show darker than the centre.


I love these clinics, learn something new nearly every week, and enjoy meeting the different patients and finding out about why they have been refered.
Dr Reid makes these clinics enjoyable as well as adding some humor as he has different expressions for different body parts,
ie, gall bladder – tad pole
pancreas – guppy

First every experience in Ultrasound 08

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

Working as a Bank assistant

Dr Reid explained an examination of a thyroid gland.  He explained that there could be one or more nodules/ goiters. He explained multiple nodules doesn’t mean bad news or a problem. Patient can have (hot) meaning a nodule that can cause problems or a (cold) nodule which are usually filled with fluid and not problematic.


I found the experience really interesting and informative.
